Hey guys, it's me Stickfigureguy, and I'm finally back! After a long month of no uploading me and DjZappy have finally returned and just in time for the holidays! Now the reason I haven't uploaded any videos in the past month, is well, I kinda got lazy and didn't feel like recording or I just got too busy. But don't worry because now I'm going to be uploading videos at least 3 times a week. Or at least I'll try, lol. The only main difference is that I'm going to be uploading less videos a week than I used to, but they will be longer videos. That really is the only major change.
Another thing, is that I have made myself my own private server for me, DjZappy, my sister, and maybe an extra person on special occasions. We will be starting a new multiplayer series on the server, so keep on the lookout for that! There's not really much I to say on this blog post so... yeah. Anyways have a great day and don't forget: Purple monkey dishwasher!